It is important for your to own the brilliant ideas and brands that you create. Every millionaire, multi-millionaire, and billionaire started and scaled their businesses based on ideas. You protect your brilliance by owning intellectual property assets. Intellectual property asset ownership produces protectable profits that you can pass on through your business or estate planning process for generations. We want to help you own at least one intellectual property asset, a trademark. We offer a trademark grant for Black History Month to assist you financially. Your application must be completed by 12:00am CST on 2/24/2023.
You must follow all steps to qualify for the grant.
We hope all the best and much success to you!
The United States had around 870 thousand trademark applications filed in 2020.
The U.S. Patent & Trademark Office received 1,000,000 trademark applications filed
Only 1.7% of all intellectual property lawyers are African-American